I've been very neglectful... and here's my excuse... a darling little lost dog fell into my life. She came with a bunch of problems... bad habits...behavorial issues... heartworms... hookworms...history of abuse... but... the sweetest personality in the world and I'm just in love with her. She is smart... quick to learn and eager to please me so it has been fun working with her (except when she's driving me bonkers...). The vet thinks she is about 1 1/2 to 2 years... a mixed breed boxer. I named her Molly and here are a few photos. (You'll notice one photo looks like she has an ill fitting set of dentures... apparently a trademark of boxers... her lip sort of 'catches' on some of her teeth causing her to have some hilarious expressions. Add to this her propensity for holding her chewie in her mouth like a cigar... too funny.)

So... that's my little darling...